Gowri Shankar's Vision for a Future-Ready Workforce Through CAD Education

Today, we have the distinct pleasure of hosting Mr. Gowri Shankar, the visionary Director of the CIA CADD Centre. A serial entrepreneur with a proven track record, Mr. Shankar has redefined vocational training, particularly in the fields of CAD, CAM, and CAE. CIA CADD Centre, under his leadership, has emerged as a global leader, empowering thousands of students with in-demand skills for the future. In this interview, Mr. Gowri Shankar talks about his inspiring journey as an entrepreneur and the remarkable work of his organisation.
Q: Welcome, Mr. Gowri Shankar. It is a pleasure to have you with us today. You are an experienced entrepreneur. You had a hand in many successful businesses in various industries. And now your journey to the CIA CADD Centre is inspiring and nothing short of spectacular. We are eager to learn more about your entrepreneurial spirit, the vision behind the CIA CADD Centre, and your insights into the future of vocational training. Thank you for taking the time to share your story with us.
Gowri Shankar: Thanks for having me! I’m happy to share what I know and my experiences. I think helping others and inspiring them is a big part of being an entrepreneur. The CIA CADD Centre is all about giving the next generation of engineers and designers the tools they need to succeed. I’m excited to talk about what we’re doing and what’s new in CAD, CAM, and CAE.
Q: So, what got you started on this entrepreneurial journey? And how did the idea for the CIA CADD Centre come about?
Gowri Shankar: I have always had an entrepreneurial mindset. I have tried my hand at a bunch of different businesses across various fields. Be it event management, social work, digital marketing, aviation, aerospace, sustainability, or education, I have done it all. I have had over 30 different jobs in my life, and I always try to use what I learn in one job to help me in the next. I have also helped out over 20 new companies around the world as a business and productivity coach. All these experiences have really shaped who I am as a businessperson and inspired my business endeavours.
Q: What made you decide to start the CIA CADD Centre in the Middle East? And how has your idea for the place changed over the last 20 years?
Gowri Shankar: We started CIA CADD Centre in the UAE in 2024 as a partner with CADD Centre Global, a big name in CAD training for over 30 years. The Middle East is booming with construction projects, so it was the perfect place to start teaching CAD. Our goal is to spread to other Gulf countries, using the experience of CADD Centre Global in 32 other countries to help us grow.
Q: Okay, so you have got this global training centre, but you are also in the Middle East. How do you make sure what you teach works for students here? I mean, how do you balance teaching things that are useful everywhere with things that are specific to this region?
Gowri Shankar: That is a great point. We focus on teaching the software, but we also make sure it’s relevant to what’s happening here. We hire local teachers and use real-life examples from this area. We even offer online classes, so anyone can learn, no matter where they are.
Q: That is a great approach to learning! You mentioned hands-on learning. Can you tell us more about how students actually learn at CIA Dubai? I mean, how does hands-on practice help them really understand and use CAD, CAM, and CAE?
Gowri Shankar: We believe in learning by doing. That’s why our vocational curriculum requires students to engage in hands-on training to achieve certification. That means our students get their hands dirty with real-world projects to earn their certificates. While teaching CAD this way is still pretty new, we are always trying out new methods to make learning even better.
Q: That is an excellent way to teach. The industry is always changing, right? So how do you make sure what you teach students is still relevant and up to date with all the new tech and trends in architecture and engineering?
Gowri Shankar: We work closely with Autodesk and KHDA to make sure we are always teaching the newest stuff. Being partners with them helps us keep up with what’s happening in the industry and change our courses accordingly.
Q: How does having students from all different backgrounds help create a better learning environment at CIA Dubai? And how does this help students learn to think in new ways?
Gowri Shankar: We have students and teachers from all over the world here at the CIA CADD Centre, Dubai. This mix of cultures makes learning really interesting. Students get to see how people from different places think and solve problems. It helps them work well with others and be ready for any job, anywhere.
Q: You have built a really successful training centre. Congrats on that! But running a business isn’t always easy. So, what has been the toughest part of growing the CIA CADD Centre? And how did you turn those challenges into something positive for the business?
Gowri Shankar: Building a new business in the UAE, especially in a crowded field like construction, is no easy feat. But we have found a way to turn competition into something positive. Instead of fighting each other, we are teaming up on courses where there is no overlap. This helps everyone grow and learn together.
Q: Where do you think CAD, CAM, and CAE training is headed in the future? And how do you see the CIA CADD Centre leading the way?
Gowri Shankar: AI is changing everything, including how we design stuff. We are working on new ways to teach CAD, CAM, and CAE using AI. Plus, we want to help shape how engineering is taught around the world by contributing to engineering design education policies and frameworks.
Q: Can you tell us about a former student who really took off after graduating from the CIA CADD Centre? What did they do, and how did what they learnt here help them succeed?
Gowri Shankar: We have helped over 1.5 million people worldwide learn new skills. Our graduates are doing amazing things in fields like construction, architecture, and engineering. It is hard to pick just one success story because there are so many inspiring examples out there.
Q: That is understandable. With technology changing so fast, how do you make sure your students are not just good at using today’s tools but can also handle whatever comes next?
Gowri Shankar: CAD technology doesn’t change as quickly as other fields, but we still want our students to know what is new. We encourage them to learn outside of class, and we also teach the latest design programs to keep up with the times.
Q: How do you connect students, teachers, and people working in the industry at the CIA CADD Centre? And what kind of chances does this give students while they are learning and after they graduate?
Gowri Shankar: We encourage everyone to work together. We do this by holding workshops for teachers and students and by having students work on projects in groups. We also stay in touch with our graduates to let them know about new courses and ways to improve their skills.
Q: Our readers would love to know more about the day-to-day life of an entrepreneur. I hope you don’t mind sharing a bit about your typical day.
Gowri Shankar: Not at all! I’d love to share a bit about my day. I’m pretty structured since I want to maximise productivity. I usually spend about 9 to 11 hours on work stuff, then I try to get enough sleep. I want at least 7 hours of sleep. The rest of the time is for family and me. My mornings start at 9 and are packed with emails, meetings, and figuring out what to do next. Some days I focus on one business, and on other days it is a mix. I try to learn something new every week too. Evenings are for relaxing, family time, and maybe catching up with friends. Weekends are chill unless I have something going on, and I always try to find time for my hobbies and helping others.
Q: You have a pretty packed schedule. That is impressive! But running your own business can be tough. What keeps you going, especially when things get challenging?
Gowri Shankar: You are right. It is tough running your own show. I break down my goals into five-year chunks and keep track of what I’ve done. Looking back at my wins really gets me pumped to keep going. I think the journey is just as important as the destination, and I’m always setting new milestones. I believe in making the most of every day, so I keep pushing myself.
Q: What advice would you give to aspiring entrepreneurs who want to start their own business?
Gowri Shankar: I think starting a business is all about trying, failing, learning, and changing course. There is no easy way to do it. You will work long hours, but it is important to celebrate your wins. And don’t be afraid to listen to what others think. Growing and adapting are keys to building something that lasts.
Q: That is great advice. What has been the most rewarding aspect of being an entrepreneur for you?
Gowri Shankar: The best part about being my own boss is getting to chase my ideas and always try new things. I have total freedom to experiment with how we work and how we balance work and life, which makes things better for everyone. Unlike a regular job, I get to invent and explore new things all the time. Plus, meeting new people and seeing cool places is a huge bonus.
Q: Mr. Gowri Shankar, it’s been amazing talking with you. Your love for starting new things and your ideas about education are really inspiring. Your journey from trying out different businesses to building the CIA CADD Centre is incredible. Thanks for sharing your time and knowledge with us.
Gowri Shanker: Thanks for having me. It has been great talking about our company and our goals. I hope our story inspires others to start their own businesses and help the industry grow. I really appreciate you taking the time to learn about what we do.